Dr Elaine Lim is a Specialist Orthodontist, practising "holistic orthodontic care" – utilising progressive modern techniques to promote positive natural dental development.
Our goal is the "creation of beautiful smiles and harmonious bites". We believe orthodontics is not only about an attractive smile but also balanced jaw function, contributing to long-term dental health.
• Non-extraction and Non-surgical priority approach to treatment.
• Early intervention avoiding future complications.
• Treatment respecting facial form, lip position and jaw harmony.
• Techniques promoting patient comfort. We exclusively offer Acudontics®*.
• Friendly and caring environment
*Acudontics® Non-medication analgesia. Technique developed by Professor Yoland Lim and Dr Elaine Lim (refer to www.yolandlim.com.au for further information).
Adult Cosmetic Smile and Jaw Assessment
Child Dental Development Assessment
Cleft lip/Facial Congenital Disorders
Interdisciplinary Management
Sleep Apnoea
Treatment of Children Early Intervention
Treatment of Teenagers
Treatment of Adults
Transfer Patients
Orthodontist Specialist advice and opinion
What is an Orthodontist?
Is there a difference between Orthodontists?
What is the ideal time to begin treatment?